
Coach Education 

"An outstanding program in how it was structured and delivered. The right blend of self-study, group learning and practical application. Anna and Espie carefully curated the perfect environment for learning, connection and support for our group."
- Katrina Hau, Director People Experience, ICF Certified Coach

"The program has been one of the most rewarding and insightful things I have done. It has been structured in a clever way to give us plenty of hands on practice to put into practice the theory we have used. The facilitators were all able to create a safe space for us to ask questions, be vulnerable and that was integral in enhancing our learning. All the instructors made us feel at ease from the start which isn’t easy in an online forum. There was a feeling of trust among the cohort as the program progressed that we could feel safe in asking whatever question we needed to. There was also genuine care and support for all the little queries that came up with our pro bono clients. Also, with finishing up the course I think we all feel genuinely supported going forward that the facilitators are still there for us with queries and support which is great peace of mind as we finish up and start out on our own. Thanks all!!"
- Kate von Biel, ICF Certified Coach

"The facilitators were professional, clear, supportive, and inspirational, and the programme far exceeded my expectations and was life-changing."
- Karen Walker, ICF Certified Coach

"The coaching facilitators were flexible, on task, reliable, timely, professional but also down to earth. They led us well, providing ample time for people to answer, using paraphrasing, mirroring and curiosity to ensure clear understanding. In effect, the best role models to a group of aspiring coaches. Everybody was treated equally and different personalities were catered for seamlessly; we were neither judged nor assumed, we were known and respected, we were challenged and encouraged, loved and nurtured."
- Julie Phillips, ICF Certified Coach

"I found the programme very thorough with a good balance of education and practice. The quality and standards of feedback was very good. The Coaches were encouraging and friendly but clear on standards of good coaching. The practice processes made it a collaborative and open experience for the participants and people felt safe sharing their challenges. The individual mentoring was good and helpful with working through pro bono insights and challenges. Overall it is a programme I would not hesitate to recommend to others."
- Crispin Garden-Webster, Director GardenWebster Consulting, ICF Certified Coach 

"It was a great programme and a very rich experience. It was very well structured and I got a lot out of it. The tutors were very clear, knowledgeable and helpful. I feel so confident in my coaching ability due to the skills I learned on this course and look forward to stepping into the next phase of my career as a coach".
- Cassia Pelger, Performance, Talent, Culture and Leadership Development, Senior Human Resources Business Partner and Personal Development Coach

"The programme was quite simply phenomenally planned, thought out and executed. The instructors were friendly and professional, and it was clear they had a good relationship as a group of instructors. I like how they all have different backgrounds and experiences as coaches - it gave real diversity and breadth to our conversations".
- Steph Osborn, Comms and Engagement Leader, and ICF Certified Coach

"The most supportive group environment I've been part of for a long time. All of the instructors were knowledgeable and responsive. I especially valued the written feedback received from tutors during the programme".
- Amanda Timana, Senior Manager People - Airports, and ICF Certified Coach

"Attending the NZIC Coaching for Transformation programme has been a truly life altering experience. To effectively coach others through transformation you need to have experienced that for yourself, and this programme guides you through a personal transformation as you learn how to support others in their journey. Anna, Kaarin and Espie provided us with wonderful guidance and direction, their care and support enabled us to be vulnerable and real with each other and to experience great coaching for ourselves. I came out of this programme knowing what good professional coaching is, empowered to be a coach and confident in continuing my own journey to building a professional coaching practice and achieving ICF certification. Thank you!"
- Shane Hastie, Global Delivery Lead at SoftEd and Leadership and Transformational Coach (ACC, ICF)

"My training with NZIC was a truly transformative experience. Our trainers Anna, Kaarin and Espie created a learning environment based on trust and genuine care which enabled deep connections and conversations within the group. The training helped me grow in many ways, I have learned valuable coaching skills and also I gained new insights about myself - which I am extremely thankful for. The course has changed the way I reflect, the way I respond and the way I observe. The strong focus on practicing coaching and getting profound feedback helped me become aware that I can add value to other people's thinking by focussing on being present, listening and asking questions. I highly recommend this training to anyone who wants to learn and apply coaching skills".
- Romy Schirrmeister, Leadership and Personal Growth Coach (ACC, ICF)

"I found the transformative coaching course extremely useful; especially the practical application of technique in a safe and supported space. The facilitators were knowledgeable, experienced and brought a broad skillset to the sessions which brought the material to life, making it practical and applicable. It was balanced with an energy that was light, humorous and encouraging but also weighty enough to recognise the responsibility we hold to our clients as a coaching community".
- Robin Carter-Stuart, Leadership and Personal Development Coach

"This course has opened my eyes to a whole new way of progressing my career. The content was comprehensive and delivered in a professional and methodical manner. The trainers are extremely knowledgeable, approachable and easily accessible. I would highly recommend this course to anyone keen on developing in the coaching arena".
- Roanne Daken, HR Consultant & Coach

"I was greatly impressed by the high quality of the training, even more so because I’m an L&D specialist myself. Both the course content and delivery were outstanding. It was carefully structured around the ICF Core Competencies to ensure we had all the necessary skills. It cleverly appealed to all learning styles with a very important part, given the nature of the coaching role, being practicum. We did a lot of observed practice with feedback provided in the course. Anna is a profound listener, a powerful questioner, a wonderful empathiser and a totally inclusive and non-judgemental person. All of the above, in combination with her ever so engaging personality, make Anna a wonderful human being who I’ve been absolutely delighted to meet, work with and learn from". 
- Louise Shanly, L&D/OD Expert & ICF Certified Coach

"This is the best investment I have made to start my coaching career! It is so important to learn new skills in a structured way and in a supportive environment. It’s easy to underestimate coaching skills. Everything happens in a conversation, but the quality of conversations we have with our clients depends on learning and practicing different tools and techniques. We were fortunate to do this under the supervision of very experienced coaches. The feedback I received was invaluable and allowed me to grow as a coach and feel confident coaching my clients. This is a very practical course with plenty of opportunities to practice what you learn. I can’t recommend this course enough!".
- Irina S (ICF, ACC)

"Loved the course and found it extremely useful. Anna is engaging, knowledgeable and real".
- Mel Blake, Senior HR Manager & Coach

"This is a comprehensive and in-depth course. Incredibly valuable and practical".
- Caroline Sandford, Career Specialist & Coach

"I have found my coach training with NZIC to be transformational on many levels. The content and its presentation was of the highest quality, and elaborated in detail on the key competencies of coaching".
- Agatha McDonagh, Professional Leadership and Performance Coach, Trainer and Assessor

"Fabulous course and training! Exceeded my expectations. An encouraging interpersonal learning environment. Life changing! Thanks so much!".
- Claire McLean, Life Coach

"Great balance of practical and theory. Anna is very approachable and flexible".
- Davy Bernardo, IT Specialist & Coach

"The course is well structured with practice and theory. I felt the presenters adapted the pace and needs of the group effectively".
- Chris Arthur, High Performance Sport New Zealand

"If you are thinking of becoming a coach Anna produces a great course. It is a relaxed environment, which makes for a great learning experience".
​- David Gibson, Healer & Life Coach

"A welcoming non-judgemental environment. I was able to get out of my comfort zone, challenge myself to grow, and learn new skills for my career. Anna is a fantastic coach who has an in-depth knowledge of her profession".
​- Margaret Goldfinch, Senior HR Manager & Coach

Coaching Skills for Managers and Leaders

"This workshop was exactly what it said it was and I came away from it with a kete of resources and knowledge that I can directly use in my role. I enjoyed the structure of the training - the mix of written information, spoken examples, practical application, reflection and opportunity for sharing own experiences. It was a really great balance and made for an enjoyable online experience. I appreciated the progression of learning and the way knowledge was layered. Anna's approach, ability to include everyone and share her knowledge was amazing, always timely and made for a very rich training workshop. I enjoyed the small number on the course (4) and felt that Anna created a safe space to share freely and engage in the learning experiences. The value of coaching is something that I've taken away with me as there was a depth to the training that lingers as you reflect on it and as I can see how the coach approach is beneficial in so many ways. I look forward to applying it and am grateful for the opportunity to experience this workshop".
- Sarah Moffatt, Programme Advisor and Capabilities, Graeme Dingle Foundation

"The programme provided solid grounding and theory behind new practical approaches and methods in coaching my team in addition to validation of things I've been doing intuitively. Anna & Espie are experts in the subject matter and in engaging all participants into being active learners".
- Audrie, Arlo

"I need to share, discuss and try out new learnings for them to stick - and there was ample opportunity for my learning style within the programme.  
- Tim, Arlo

"Lots of useful frameworks and the models can be used straight away. Very nice to have practice with peers".
- Luke, Arlo

I thought it was a great programme and I learnt a lot. Some of the ideas and topics were completely new to me and I liked how engaging the sessions were".

- John, Arlo

“It was so nice to have professional development delivered by a true subject matter expert. I also loved the opportunity to practice some coaching skills in a safe place.”
- Leader in Education 

“This workshop was the single most useful piece of PD training I have engaged in over the past three years.”
- Leader in Education

Career & Leadership Coaching

"Having coaching by Anna has allowed me to take huge and successful steps in my career and life. Anna allowed me to cut through the ‘noise’ and pressures of modern work life, and discover what matters most to me, what I want to achieve, and how to get there.  I have truly turned over a new leaf as a result. Anna has a fantastic talent in drawing out your goals, helping you put a plan in place to achieve these and skilfully making sure you stay on course".
- Peter Hall, Director, Peter Hall Planning Ltd.

"Coaching has really helped me level up and couldn't have come at a better time as I've navigated through all the new challenges since becoming a manager. Your help and support has been invaluable and will serve me well going forward"
- Keegan Shore, UK Customer Team Lead, Timely Ltd. 

"After a few sessions, the results were clearly visible in every aspect. I manage now to step back much more easily from an issue to find the best solution at my disposal. Also, my perception of my options became much clearer so I was finally able to move forward with my career change". 

"Anna's coaching was instrumental in accomplishing my goals and I am extremely grateful for the abundance of help she has given me. From the first session to the last, she was very easy to talk to and I always felt I could trust her. She is a very professional coach with a great deal of experience so my meetings with her always ended with a feeling of progress, a feeling that I was on the right path".

"Working with Anna has provided me with an irrevocable amount of opportunity, exposure, and increased knowledge on how to situate myself in a career I truly desired".
- Monique A. Pearson, General Manager, Rutherford Rede

"Having been coached by Anna I am happy to recommend her as a coach. If you are looking at your career or what's happening in your life give Anna a call - it may be the best thing you did this year".
- Graham McCarrison, Engagement & Planning Manager

"After our session yesterday I have felt lighter and inspired. My client meeting yesterday just flowed. I'm noticing subtle changes with wonderful results. Wow. Thank you for your gentle attentiveness, wisdom, and generosity. Your support is changing my life".
- H.B., Psychologist & Coach

Mentor Coaching

"Anna truly understands the business of coaching. She makes it all so natural and comfortable. Every session is relaxed and enjoyable, and she fully understands every element of the ICF requirements. She is always present and available throughout the coaching sessions and has great empathy and understanding. Therefore I have discussed with Anna all my challenges as a coach and a person. Every time she has supported me to find the next step on my journey as a coach. These coaching sessions have enabled me to move ahead rapidly as a coach."
- Christine Jull, Coach and Mentor

 "There was confidentiality and integrity in all our dialogue. Her calm ability to steer and challenge me meant I was able to develop a business idea I undertook with great fulfilment".​
- Teresa N, Coach, Mentor & Trainer

Coaching Supervision 

"I studied under Anna in 2020 so for me as a practicing coach seeking a deeper perspective into client work, she was a natural choice as my coaching supervisor. She has an innate ability to work with coaches by gently posing thought provoking questions in a way that enables deep learning and unlocks insights. She brings a calm and active listening presence, warmth and practical viewpoint to every session. She is also so generous with her own experience as a highly experienced coach. I look forward to working with Anna in the future and I can't recommend her highly enough."
- Adrienne Bonell, Leadership Coach